by Precelia Acosta
He’s coming
Coming very soon, every second is a step closer to his creation, life
Life that has been loaned to us
Us , who are yet to be categorized as good or sinful
But sinful is everyone
But everyone shall soon enough know peace, forgiveness, acceptance
We are here in the living to discover our purpose, to play the cards he has dealt us
And separate the rocks from the almighty diamonds
We have all felt misfortune, misery, evil, pain
Pain which will soon be taken by “he who will come again to judge the living and the dead”
He who rides the graceful chariot of life
Through the lonely, regretful, unforgettable, cries of the blue moon
We are told
We are taught,
To prepare for his unpredictable arrival
But how do we prepare when we live life guessing
He runs on his own clock, so we will never be ready
To endure so much promised salvation when we can barely withstand a lifetime of pain
How will we be ready for such a pain inflicting and selfish time
How will we prepare for death when each one is different and meaningful to many
by living life with caution and to the fullest